Chart Neo FAQ

A: The cost varies by your country/region due to local laws, taxes, etc. In most areas of the United States, it is currently $13.99/year. You may be able to receive a discount on this by partnering with an instructor that uses our online platform.

A: No separate account required! Simply log on to the same account on your spouse/partner's device. You can use your account across all of your devices without penalty.

A: You are never automatically charged, therefore you never need to cancel. Simply delete and/or stop using the app if you wish to remove it.

A: The video library in the app menu contains an introduction to the WWIT observation system and further detail will be found in the User Manual, available for purchase via Kindle. This is also linked in the app menu, under Learn. The specifics regarding coding abbreviations are found at pages 13/14.

A: Use the calendar view to select the day that should be the first day of your cycle. Tap on the Bleeding tile and select 'Start New Cycle'. You may also have to uncheck this box on the previous first day if you originally didn't go back far enough.

A: You can, by using the calendar view to select a date in the past. New cycles are denoted by a checkbox in the bleeding tile. The easiest way to do this is to start with the oldest day in the past, and jump ahead by a month at a time. The days in-between will fill in for easy access later.

A: At present there is not a way to tell the app you are breastfeeding but when it first tells you that your period may be late, you can tell it not to remind you again. That will stop the reminders until you begin a new cycle. Stay tuned!

A: It’s likely you have purchases disabled in your device’s ‘Restrictions’. Go into your device's settings, re-enable it, and try again.

A: If you want to no longer use your account, simply stop using it -- subscriptions do not automatically renew, and you will not be charged. For users in the European Union and other applicable jurisdictions, you have the legal right to delete your entire Chart Neo account. You can do this through the app's main menu by going to Account, then Other Options, and finally, Data Options.

A: The Chart Neo app marks the BBT coverline and temp shift according to Sensiplan rules. If you would like to self-interpret your BBT chart in the Chart Neo app, then please note that it can be a bit different than some manual charters may be used to. First thing to understand is that temps in the Chart Neo app are always graphed in rounded Celsius.

This is how it works:

  • Raw Temp from TD in C -> Rounded to 0.05ºC -> Converted to F -> F Temp Displayed
  • Raw Temp from TD in C -> Rounded to 0.05ºC -> C Temp Displayed

There are no rounded-in-F temps. Note: if you are using the Chart Neo app without Tempdrop, then always enter the raw F temp and not a rounded F temp.

The temp display can show Celsius numbers or Fahrenheit numbers, but it is the exact same rounded-in-C temp.

No, I recommended you continue to chart in your native temp scale. In Fahrenheit you use the number displayed as a range check, such as too high means possible fever and too low means too loose armband. This is most intuitively done in your native temp scale. So, the Fahrenheit number display is still useful even if you do not use the number to self-interpret your chart.

You do this by looking at the dot pattern or deviation pattern. The horizontal lines shown on the Chart Neo app chart are separated by 0.05ºC, which equals approximately 0.1ºF. This is 1 deviation or 1D. When you are looking for a temp to be 0.2ºC (approximately 0.4ºF) above the coverline, you are looking for a temp that is 4 deviations (4D) above the coverline. That means you count 4 lines above the coverline and look at that point or above to find it. This way of chart reading works for any chart displayed with a proper horizontal grid behind it, like most paper charts.

  • 1D = 0.05ºC (0.1ºF) -> count up 1 horizontal line
  • 4D = 0.2ºC (0.4ºF) -> count up 4 horizontal lines

To read a BBT chart, you are first looking for the pattern of a temp that is at least 1D above the previous 6 temps. Remember, the coverline will be drawn Sensiplan-style, THROUGH the highest of previous lower 6 temps. Please note, if you use a charting method with a raised coverline, like TCOYF, then manually interpreting a chart displayed in the Chart Neo app may be more difficult, because you cannot change where the coverline is drawn.* However, if you use one of the many methods that marks the coverline through the highest of the pre-shift six temps, then self-interpreting a BBT chart from the Chart Neo app should be fairly straightforward once you learn to count the deviations. Next, after your first raised temp is recognized, to identify a full thermal shift pattern, you are looking for the second raised temp to again be at least 1D above the coverline (count 1 line up). Finally you want to see that third raised temp be at least 4D above the coverline (count 4 lines up).

In the Chart Neo app, you are able to self-read the BBT pattern and count where the graphed temp dots are in relation to one another. So, you are looking for things like at least a 4D change (counting up 4 lines from where the coverline is drawn). It is not necessary to subtract temp numbers to see if you get a change of 0.4F.

*More about the using TCOYF to read Chart Neo app BBT charts: If you still wish to evaluate your Chart Neo app BBT chart by TCOYF rules, then you will have to mentally add 1D (0.1ºF) to the TCOYF protocol, because the Sensiplan coverline is 1D lower than the TCOYF coverline. So, for example, when looking for a temp that is raised at least 0.3ºF above the coverline according to TCOYF rules, that turns into looking for a temp that is raised at least 0.4ºF (aka 4D) above the coverline in the Chart Neo app.